Coffee Stopover Black
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Coffee Stopover started roasting coffee and serve specialty coffee beverages in Taichung, Taiwan back in 2015.  Stanley, the founder, appreciates and celebrates the variety of coffee from the coffee origins, roasting techniques, preparation methods, to coffee cocktails.  Coffee Stopover quickly established an important stature in the local coffee theme. 

Black is an expansion dedicated for coffee roasting and Syphon-type coffee drinks.  The interior design firm SkiLability is fascinated by metal fabrications and created a space with a combinations of heavy-industrial and raw concrete elements.  They integrated our Linear Flood 4’ Suspension into their ceiling installation for the working area illumination.  Slimliter was installed in the center above a communal table to impart a modern minimal character to the space.  Classic VS3 track spots were installed to illuminate the sitting and working area to create an airy and refined ambience.

2015年,Coffee Stopover開始了他們在台中的咖啡事業,致力開創獨特且帶有強烈特色咖啡飲品。Coffee Stopover Black的Black一詞,起源為咖啡烘焙和虹吸咖啡的延伸,並以這個精神創造一個既可以烘豆又能品嚐美味咖啡的空間。創辦人Stanley依據多年經驗,精心挑選各種產地的咖啡豆,運用成熟的烘焙技術,研發出極具個人特色的咖啡配方、雞尾酒咖啡等多種創意飲品。短短幾年內,Coffee Stopover在台中迅速竄紅,成為當地極具代表性的咖啡品牌。

Coffee Stopover Black由本事設計SkilLability負責裝潢設計,整個店面空間主要以混凝土為主,打造簡潔而俐落的灰質空間,加上天花頂端巧妙的鐵件設計,運用這些元素結合,使店內充滿著強烈的金屬工業風。

整個咖啡店的視覺焦點,莫過於燈光與其空間設計的契合。設計團隊將Macron的懸吊燈Linear Flood和幾何金屬件搭配,營造出以吧檯為中心的空間設計,並且締造明亮舒適地工作區域。Slimliter燈具以極簡的直線設計,安裝於店內的長桌上方,更是增添了一份現代簡約的風格。而在其他空間的運用上,則可以看到Classic VS3這款軌道燈在各個角落照亮著,營造出極具特色的空間感。

Project Name: Coffee Stopover Black
Interior Design: SkiLability 本事設計
Lighting Design: SkiLability 本事設計
Location: Taichung, Taiwan